Proto Industrial Tools & Safety Interactive Digital Catalog is an excellent alternative to carrying around a copy of the 1,180 page printed version.
Proto’s catalog app allows you to browse the entire product offering of industrial strength tools and safety equipment featuring Master Sets, Tool Storage, Hand Sockets & Drive Tools, Air Tools, Impact Sockets, Precision Torque Tools, Wrenches, Screwdrivers & Nut Drivers, Pliers, Clamping & Cutting Tools, Striking & Struck Tools, Prying & Scraping Tools and Pullers as well as some Fleet Maintenance specialty items and Proto’s newest line of Tethered Tools, lanyards and accessories. The catalog also, features STANLEY branded hand tools such as tape rules, knives & blades, demolition tools and more.
Proto Industrial offers more than just tools… We offer Piece of Mind. We are Industrial Strength. We are Safety Obsessed. We are Made in America. We Value our Heritage.
Proto Tools Industrial & Keselamatan Digital Interaktif Katalog adalah alternatif terbaik untuk membawa sekitar salinan 1,180 halaman versi bercetak.
app katalog Proto membolehkan anda untuk melayari penawaran produk keseluruhan alat kekuatan industri dan Set Master peralatan keselamatan menampilkan, Tool Bagasi, Tangan Soket dan Peralatan Drive, Air Alat, Impact Soket, Precision Torque Tools, Perengkuh, pemutar skru & Nut Pemandu, Tang, Mengambil tindakan mengunci & Keratan Alat, melontar dan Peralatan Struck, prying & Mengikis Alat dan Pullers serta beberapa barang-barang khusus Fleet Maintenance dan garis terbaru Proto ini Alat Tethered, lanyards dan aksesori. Katalog ini juga, mempunyai STANLEY berjenama peralatan tangan seperti peraturan pita, pisau & bilah, alat perobohan dan banyak lagi.
Proto Industrial menawarkan lebih daripada sekadar alat ... Kami menawarkan Piece of Mind. Kami adalah Kekuatan Industrial. Kami Keselamatan Obsessed. Kami Made in America. Kami Menghargai Warisan kami.